Caring for isopods as cleanup crew
Your cleanup crew will potter around, and eat anything decaying in your enclosure. When choosing your isopods, be mindful of the conditions they need to live in. There are so many different isopods, all requiring different care, that it would be impossible to cover them all here.
Some things to be aware of:
Some isopods such as Porcellio laevis can be quite large and protein hungry, so might not be the best choice for a jumping spider enclosure.
The substrate you’re using; an isopod's main diet consists of the substrate they're housed on. Substrates should consist of things like top soil, mosses, & decaying wood. Cocofibre would not be adequate to support them.
Give them lots of hiding places! Think cork bark, and a thick layer of leaves. The less they’re seen, the less likely your spider is to make them into a tasty snack.
Remember to add a calcium source for your little guys. Cuttlefish bone is an excellent choice.
I tend to use Porcellionides pruinosus as my clean up crew, as they have always thrived in my enclosures. They are small, and not too protein hungry