Plants for jumping spider enclosures
Plants are a fantastic addition to your jumping spider enclosure. When choosing plants, you should be mindful of which plants will thrive in your setup, as well as which plants will be safe for your spider. Getting plants from a reptile shop is the easiest way of guaranteeing that they have not been treated with any harmful chemicals. If using plants you aren't certain are safe, you could thoroughly wash the leaves, and root system, and re-pot using a safe substrate.
Here are a list of plants that I’ve found work very well for me in a jumping spider setup:
Small Pothos varieties such as satin, neon, golden, or marble queen)
Strawberry Begonia
Gynura aurantiaca
Iresine herbstii
Ferns (maidenhair, button, antennae)
Hypoestes/polka dot plant
Spider plants
Parlour palm
Where to find spider safe plants:
You should be able to find safe plants at your locale reptile store, but anything labelled reptile safe should be fine.
Here are a few websites that stock reptile safe plants: